Project Nimbus is a high-speed mech action game set on a devastated future Earth, where the player maneuvers a weaponized humanoid general-purpose Battle Frame. Engage enemy units with various weapons and defeat huge bosses and unique ace pilots Fly the skies with 360 degrees of freedom, and battle enemies with a variety of weapons and techniques, from smart missiles to the blade charge. Experience the battle as a young ace pilot destined for legendary status. High-speed battle action, piloting heavily armored Battle Frames through the war torn skies.
Project Nimbus Complete Edition PC Game Free Download Pre-Installed
Twenty-six missions in a variety of locations, including floating cities, ocean fortresses, mountain bases, futuristic prisons, and battles in space. Over a dozen playable Battle Frames with weapons including smart missiles, energy blades, Project Nimbus Free Download PC Game Repack-Games particle cannons, floating energy shields, railguns and autonomous psychodrones. A sprawling storyline with battles between three different factions over a war-torn futuristic planet: the US-lead CFN, the Russia-led UCN, and the shadowy terrorist Children of Fallen Nations.